Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The Superior Spider-Man The Movie Series? Part 2


This arc begins with the aftermath of Otto's successful mind wipe of Peter Parker from his brain so no more Pete lingering like a bad smell of rotten fart and eggs, now we get the real Superior Spider-Man. And thank God for that. For the past few chapters we have had Pete being Spidey-Ock's moral compass and he seems perfectly in control without a moral compass so why have one anyway, Answer, mind wipe Pete and forge a path of superiorit

And this is what this arc gives us, a new lease of life for the old Spidey and transforms him into super-badass mode. This arc starts with a gang war starting between The Owl and some dragon villian who breaths fire from his mouth, which is soon cleared up by superior by him stating that is his suit and also by partially crushing his trachea and dealing with The Owl by near killing him because in Otto's old life, they always used to fight so why not lay down some dirt.

While all of that is happening, MJ's nightclub is also feeling the sting by being set a light by the Green Goblins little minions while she is trying to get a hold of Pete/Ock, the latter, instead of helping MJ, who is in a bit of a problem, decided to wrap up Tombstones little group and leave the fire brigade to sort out the nightclub as he doesn't want any disturbances while he sorts out a gang war.

Sadly, The Green Goblin shows his ugly head again and declares himself Goblin King but did he forget that Roderick Kingsley and the new Hobgoblin (Phil Ulrich) are kind of owning everything right now with a middle finger in the air to everyone who actually cares.

Spidey and The lizard, nuff said.

Anyway, time for the proper arc which is called No Escape and involves Spidey going with J.Jonah Jameson to see Alistair Smythe get executed yet sadly it doesn't exactly go to plan as the Spider Slayer gives upgrades to the Vulture, Scorpion and Boomerang as he decides to stage a massive breakout which fails horribly since Otto was in The Raft and is now out and about as Spider-Man, figured out all the different ways for him to escape and stops him at every turn therefore making escape impossible. Vulture, Boomerang and Scorpion inclusion in this arc would be unwanted if it didn't work but luckily it worked extremely well and shows us how Superior isn't so superior if his enemies get an upgrade, but only for a short period of time as he acclimatizes himself to the situation and kicks ass before going toward the Spider Slayer for a final battle. During that though, the Vulture is negotiating with his own hostages (which gives us a short bit of depth of the character), Boomerang is crawling out of the wreckage of his own upgrade after Superior makes it explode and the Scorpion goes against JJ while the Lizard pops out and decides to fight Scorpion because he is threatening to kill JJ, yet The Lizard is in The Raft for eating children back when Peter was in control but basically fuck it now that he is in control of his body even when he is in full Lizard mode.

The final fight leads to the death of Alistair Smythe and left me, personally, not caring that he was dead because there is so much other stuff going on before hand that I wanted to know if the Vulture left his hostages and if the Lizard beat the Scorpion but all became mundane once he died since all the power up just disappeared since Slayer was controlling it all and with him dead destroyed the link he had with all the nano bots.

All together, a nice little arc which wrapped up quite nicely, not going to ruin the shift in ending since it shows what lengths Superior is willing to go to get what he wants from JJ and shows JJ at his weakest against blackmail from our favorite new Spider-Man.

If you believe my idea that a movie series would be good, please give a comment on your thoughts. No hate though please.

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