Monday, 4 August 2014

Saints Row: IV


Hello Mr. President!!

Okay, to start this review I would like to say sorry for before I went into the the Grand Finale mission I wasn't really enjoying the second half of this game so I was going to slam this game. Ultimately I am glad I didn't because this game is the opposite of rubbish but do not think I am saying it is excellent because it truly isn't.

At the start of this game you are stopping terrorists from nuking The White House, couple of years later and you are the President of the United States. Yeah. Logic was just thrown out of the window already but suddenly, during a speech to the American people, aliens decide to attack, blow up the White House, abduct your homies and then take you away after you have a fist fight with their leader to which you wake up in a 1950's sitcom.

Welcome to Saints Row: IV, where crazy has been taken to a whole new level right at the start but unfortunately there isn't any seriousness to level out the utter madness of this game and by which point you realise this the Earth suddenly is blown up/atomized. And you are in a simulated version of Steelport, may have forgotten to mention that.
Say hello to Paul. He's nice.

What makes this game even more crazy is that you get super powers so you can leap over a building while on fire, while throwing ice balls at aliens, then landing on the ground and making people dance with the Dubstep Gun. There are literally no other sandbox games where you can do that and make it sound so fun yet seem so boring at the same time, yes, I said it, boring, because that is what this game becomes and sadly, it becomes it quite quickly and it is a shame because there is so much stuff you could do to develop the idea of the powers to make them more useful in battle such as a massive flaming sword or using the ice power to create pathways to travel across the map instead of just gliding across Steelport. In a word, the power system became boring.

Another problem is the weapons become redundant once you get the alien weapons because they are so over powered that once you start upgrading them, your standard weapons become pointless and you just start to never use them which is a shame because some of the standard guns fully upgraded have some cool effects but are shadowed by the aliens bazooka and its 3 round burst explosion of mayhem.

Lag spikes are another problem with this game as it just cluster fucks you with aliens and the ZPD and since you just want to get away quickly, you just want a load of explosions and bullets flying through the sky yet this is where the game begins to lag and you start to feel the effects of bullets going through you and not your opponents which makes the games engine feel cheap and lap dash compared to SR3 engine which hardly 
every lags when a cluster fuck of enemies appears.

What makes this game feel so good though is the missions and homie missions because it feels like there is an actual story and some real character development happens when some of your crew from the previous game just begin to die and your character shows some real sadness and some of the character missions are just hilarious and really feel like a nice nod to the past 3 Saints Row games and also brings a sense of nostalgia to fans of the series.

OVERALL     7/10

Not a bad game and offers a great nod to the past games in the series but gets boring quickly and most of the new weapons and powers don't live up to the hype.

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